10 月 6 日消息,有网友称乐高官网 10 月 5 日出现奇怪的宣传横幅,该横幅声称“乐高币”现已正式上市,甚至承诺向购买的人提供“神秘奖励”,但乐高并没有真正推出官方加密货币。
根据 The Brick Fan 的说法,点击购买按钮会跳转到一个外部加密货币网站,该网站用以太坊出售“乐高代币”。

乐高官方很快删除了这一横幅,并向 Engadget 回应称没有用户账户受到损害,已经确定了问题的原因。
2024 年 10 月 5 日(美国时间 10 月 4 日晚),LEGO.com 上短暂出现了未经授权的横幅。该横幅很快被删除,问题已得到解决。没有用户账户受到损害,用户可以照常继续购物。原因已经查明,我们正在采取措施防止这种情况再次发生。
October 6th news, netizens reported that the official LEGO website featured a strange promotional banner on October 5th, claiming that “LEGO Coins” have officially been launched, and even promised “mysterious rewards” to those who purchase them. However, LEGO has not actually launched an official cryptocurrency.
According to The Brick Fan, clicking the purchase button would redirect to an external cryptocurrency website selling “LEGO Tokens” using Ethereum. LEGO quickly removed the banner and responded to Engadget, stating that no user accounts were compromised and the cause of the issue has been identified.
LEGO also stated that they are taking measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. However, the company refused to disclose details about the “cause” or the measures they are implementing. IT Home released the following statement:
On October 5th, 2024 (evening of October 4th, US time), an unauthorized banner briefly appeared on LEGO.com. The banner was quickly removed, and the issue has been resolved. No user accounts were compromised, and users can continue shopping as usual. The cause has been identified, and we are taking measures to prevent this from happening again.